Got them "hauled my butt to work for 6AM" blues.
Is there anything that ticks me off so much as having NOTHING to do at work? Many people might say that they can only dream of such good fortune. Not I! But this is because, in order to make my work day actually work for me, I have to wake up at friggin' 4AM. Up by 4, out the door by 4:50, hop into my carpool buddy's car at 5AM (more on him some other day), and in the door at work by 6. This allows me to miss morning rush hour. Also, to walk out the door at 2:30, walk across town, hop on a Bonanza bus at 3, get back to my car by 4, and drive back home for 4:30, thereby missing the afternoon rush hour as well. The point of the whole exercise is to allow me to spend 3+ hours with my baby girl before her 7:30 or 8PM bedtime.
Long story short, after waking up so friggin' early and getting in before the lights are even turned on in my office, I like to actually have some WORK ready to do, so as to make me feel like my sacrifice has actually been WORTH something. (Other than, say, a paycheck and benefits and the company of some really cool co-workers.) When I get in and there's nothing to justify my presence, it makes me feel like a gerbil running in one of those stupid pointless exercise wheels.
Well, today is one of those days. I've done stuff that wasn't even due for a month. I've updated all of my reference materials. I've gone over to the file drawer where they keep cases from an area I don't work on, in case the people who do handle that area were bogged down, only to discover that they're completely up to date. Somebody get me some lettuce and one of those upside-down water bottles so I can lick my H2O from the metal tube underneath, and bring me some running shoes so I can jump right into that wheel.
Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, I present my own actual coffee, in my own actual travel mug. I had to put it on the windowsill because, as stated before, they haven't even turned on my lights yet. You'll notice a cute picture of my dog in the background, too - free bonus gift with your purchase!

Anyway, for anyone who might have missed me during my 5-day weekend, don't worry. You didn't miss much. The entire DITH household was in various stages of a cold involving much hacking and nose-blowing/snot-sucking and whining. I did manage to take the babygirl to three different playgrounds in as many days. Other than that? Well, I did grocery shopping, cleaned the house, got the laundry washed AND folded, and made a slammin' turkey-noodle-three-cheese casserole with enough leftover for three days of lunches. Oooh, how exciting! It's just as well that we were sick, though, as we didn't have enough cash to spare to do anything more than just exist from one day to the next.
Anyway, if anyone's looking for me, I'll be over here. Running in this stupid exercise wheel. For, like, the next 7 1/2 hours.
Long story short, after waking up so friggin' early and getting in before the lights are even turned on in my office, I like to actually have some WORK ready to do, so as to make me feel like my sacrifice has actually been WORTH something. (Other than, say, a paycheck and benefits and the company of some really cool co-workers.) When I get in and there's nothing to justify my presence, it makes me feel like a gerbil running in one of those stupid pointless exercise wheels.
Well, today is one of those days. I've done stuff that wasn't even due for a month. I've updated all of my reference materials. I've gone over to the file drawer where they keep cases from an area I don't work on, in case the people who do handle that area were bogged down, only to discover that they're completely up to date. Somebody get me some lettuce and one of those upside-down water bottles so I can lick my H2O from the metal tube underneath, and bring me some running shoes so I can jump right into that wheel.
Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, I present my own actual coffee, in my own actual travel mug. I had to put it on the windowsill because, as stated before, they haven't even turned on my lights yet. You'll notice a cute picture of my dog in the background, too - free bonus gift with your purchase!

Anyway, for anyone who might have missed me during my 5-day weekend, don't worry. You didn't miss much. The entire DITH household was in various stages of a cold involving much hacking and nose-blowing/snot-sucking and whining. I did manage to take the babygirl to three different playgrounds in as many days. Other than that? Well, I did grocery shopping, cleaned the house, got the laundry washed AND folded, and made a slammin' turkey-noodle-three-cheese casserole with enough leftover for three days of lunches. Oooh, how exciting! It's just as well that we were sick, though, as we didn't have enough cash to spare to do anything more than just exist from one day to the next.
Anyway, if anyone's looking for me, I'll be over here. Running in this stupid exercise wheel. For, like, the next 7 1/2 hours.
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